A wild and rocky headland that juts out into the mouth of the Bristol Channel, its outermost tip is swept by a spectacular tide race.

There are a number of marks to choose from on both sides of the headland. All are rather snaggy so it is best to avoid the venue when a heavy groundswell is pounding the shoreline.


Conger eels, dogfish and bull huss can be caught all year. Anglers fishing the kelp-ridden gullies during spring and summer encounter specimen wrasse. Bass and mackerel provide sport on summer evenings to anglers fishing near to the end of the point with plugs or spinners. Garfish and pollack can also be tempted.


Large squid or mackerel baits and even fresh rockling tempt conger eels and huss.

A supply of peeler crabs is needed for wrasse. King ragworms can be used, but tend to attract smaller fish. Bass fall to peeler crabs and to lures. Garfish and mackerel fall to float-fished mackerel strip.


Tackle for larger bottom-dwelling species needs to be strong.

Use a pulley rig or simple paternoster combined with 25lb+ line. A rotten-bottom should be incorporated into your rig.

A 10ft spinning rod, rated to cast a lure up to 2oz, combined with at least 10lb line covers lure fishing and float-fishing.


From Barnstaple, take the A361 towards Ilfracombe, turning left onto the B3343 to Woolacombe. Before reaching Woolacombe turn right and follow signs to Mortehoe. Park in the pay and display car park in the village and follow the footpath past a church and cemetery to the headland. The walk is about a mile and easy going downhill, but not so easy on the return journey.


Variety Sports, 23 Broad St, Ilfracombe, tel: 01271 862039.

TW Tackle Direct, 15 Church St, Ilfracombe, tel: 01271 862363.

Kingfisher Tackle, 22 Castle St, Barnstaple, tel: 01271 344919.

Directions : From Barnstaple, take the A361 towards Ilfracombe, turning left onto the B3343 to Woolacombe. Before reaching Woolacombe turn right and follow signs to Mortehoe. Park in the pay and display car park in the village and follow the footpath past a church and cemetery to the headland. The walk is about a mile
Season : Conger, dogfish and huss all year, spring and summer for wrasse, summer for bass and mackerel