PRICE £329.99
Options… Multi with Fuji BNHG – £329.99 F/Spool with Fuji BNHG – £329.99 Multi with Zircons – £339.99 F/Spool with Zircons – £339.99 Multi with Fuji Alconites – £344.99 F/Spool with Alconites – £344.99
Zziplex XTR Groundcaster
If you asked someone to name a Zziplex rod most people would say the XTR. The rod is now being built with the orginal specifications but with new modern techniques and with new generation carbon materials. It still carries the original feel to the world famous rod but is now ligher and more powerful. It’s perfect for long range fishing, rough ground marks and tournament casting. the rod has an overall length of 13ft 8″.
This amazing rod was first made in the early 90s, now available in equal sections .
But this new version of the XTR is lighter and slightly stiffer than the old model yet still retains the classic XTR feel.
Has a great following with big hitters with perfect delivery of power and brilliant fishabillity.
Perfect for mixed to rough ground work or even fishing big baits off rocks.
At Gerry’s we have extensive rod building facilities .We have built rods for many years to a high specification
We use the best high build polymer finish on all rings
We also put on all our coustom built Zziplex rods Fuji bnhg rings as standard (with shock centres remember rods do fall off rests!)
We can put Zircons on if you would like.
All our rods are double whipped and edged unless you state other wise.
All with shrink tube, reel fittings either coasters or new style movable grips, and a quality rod bag.