PRICE £240.00
Designed for long range shore fishing with 4 to 6oz leads and bait, this fast taper blank
action features a supple tip for bite detection, but with a rapid transfer of power in the
mid section down into the ultra stiff butt to produce massive casting potential.
Manufactured from top quality 30 – ton carbon cloth material to create a low diameter,
very light weight blank that is light and comfortable to cast.
Supplied with an 18” extension tube allowing the reel to be fished low down on the butt,
also an additional butt cap means the reel can be fished conventionally high up on the butt.
Ideal for long range beach fishing when targeting cod, bass, rays, tope and general
species, also when fishing over light/mixed rough ground for conger, huss, bass and cod.
13ft 2″ 12-20lb line class
• Fuji Guides
• Coaster Fittings
• Protective Shrink Tube Butt
• Two-Piece
• 18” Extension Tube
• White, Light Reflective Tip.