Century 13ft Tip Tornado Sport
Tip Tornado Sport
The Sport has reached “state of the art” status in the light of hard won experience and decades of fishing. The butt slices through the air and in storm conditions the rod is stable and very secure. A positive Tournament pedigree with victories at UKSF Masters Final casting 150gm and 125gm up to 264 yards. The Sport has a powerful butt, strong lower tip and a fast finish. Described by Alan Yates as one of the best fishing rods he had the pleasure of reviewing – the Sport is capable of casting one, two or three baits plus 175gms – huge distances. Tip stability and bite detection are superb and it is sensitive even when scratching close in.
Gerry’s can custom build this rod to a very high standard, as good if not better than Century! in rings,fittings, whipping colours with guidence, of your choice, comes in Century Sling/Bag complete with reducer, so a truley proffesional custom built rod and still money off RRP. Gerry’s have been building rods for 25 years and have extensive rod building facillitys you will not be disapointed! Multi or Fix Spool see options.