PRICE £109.99
Length: 12ft
Sections: Two
Casting rating: 2-4oz
Reel seat: Fixed
Rings: Nine lined
Alan Yates says:
The GRX S Bass is a two-piece, 12ft (3.65m) beachcaster light enough to hold in the surf all day.
It also fits the bill for all kinds of light-tackle sea angling, especially fishing with a light lead weight and medium-sized baits from close to medium range in the rivers and estuaries, or light match fishing.
Rated to cast 2-4oz, it has a stiff mid action suited to most casting styles with a responsive tip that provides both casting power and balance, and good bite indication.
Ringed for the fixed spool, the giveaway is a fixed reel seat centred at 27in from the butt, although the ringing is just about okay for the rod to be used with a multiplier with its nine lined guides. Overall total weight is 15oz 7dr (438g). It comes with the Greys extended warranty.