England shore international George Smith shows how to tie a three-hook match rig

Shore match anglers are forever pushing the boundaries in their quest to put more fish in the bucket and top of the list is how they present a delicate bait.

Tiny baits must look and act naturally to bring more bites. A small harbour rag or matchstick white ragworm wafting on the seabed in even the clearest and calmest of conditions can often see an inquisitive flatfish or hungry rockling filling up the match card.

By using lighter and longer mono rig bodies and hook snoods with tiny hooks and beads – even replacing crimps and stop knots with a tiny dab of glue, all helps presentation to be as natural as possible. Making longer rigs also helps to cover a larger area to search out more fish.


30lb rig body (8ft), three lengths (2ft) of 10lb hook snoods, six 5mm lengths of silicon tubing, six tiny clear beads (2mm), three sequins and sliding bait stops, three size 6 hooks, three 25lb swivels, one 40lb swivel, Tronixpro Continental lead clip, Tronixpro rig glue, rig jig, a thin needle for applying glue.


1. Add the lead link to an 8ft 30lb rig body using a grinner knot.

2. Cut six 5mm lengths of clear silicon tubing using nail clippers.

3. Slide a silicon tubing on to the rig body followed by the bead and swivel and another piece of tubing and repeat three times.

4. Apply a small amount of rig glue using a needle and slide the silicon tubing over the glue until it dries.

5. Position the beads and swivel and repeat the gluing process with the opposite silicone tubing.

6. With the silicon tubing firmly secured with glue tie the hook snood to the swivel.

7. Now add a sliding stop bead and sequin to the hook snood and then tie the hook.

8. At the head of the rig use a 40lb swivel for attaching to your mainline link.