Sea anglers who take their catches home for the table must be aware of the legalities of removing fish from the sea – they have to adhere to specific laws whereby fish under a certain size cannot be taken.

We, at Sea Angler magazine, follow the guidelines set out by the National Federation of Sea Anglers. Although not law per se their document and recommendations are far more sporting than those set out by governing bodies.

Take bass as an example. The law allows very small bass to be killed and taken, while the recommendations laid down by the NFSA state that the bass must be larger before it is taken.

So, to ensure you definitely follow the laws of this country, and also ensure you are more sporting when it comes to taking fish from the beach or boat, why not print out and follow the size guideline chart below…

Bass 36 41 41
Bream 23 24 24
Brill 30 35 35
Bull Huss 58 58
Coalfish (Saith) 35 35 35
Cod 35 35 35
Conger Eel 28 120 91
Dab 23 20 20
LS Dogfish 46 38
Flounder 27 25 25
Garfish 38 38
Tub Gurnard 28 28
Haddock 30 35 30
Hake 27 30 30
John Dory 33 25
Ling 63 72 72
Mackerel 30 30 30
Megrim 20 25 25
Mullet 15 33 33
Plaice 27 28 28
Pollack 30 30 30
Pouting 25 18
Poor Cod 18 18
Rockling 18 18
Silver Eel 38 38
Spurdog 58 58
All Skates and Rays 41 41
Smoothhound 51 51
Sole 24 25 25
Scad 25 25
Trigger Fish 30 30
Turbot 30 41 35
Whiting 27 27 27
Witch 28 28 28
Ballan Wrasse 23 23
Unclassified 20 20
kg kg
Halibut 10 3
Monkfish 7 7
Sharks 23 18
Tope 8 9