PRICE £265.50
Carbon Metal Express
The CM Express is an alternative development of the CM that has been refined at UKSF and SIPS World Championships, taking a new fixed spool reel – World Record in the process. (100gram – 0.28mm line – distance 225m)
Barney Wright a leading UKSF caster and sea angler has a recorded cast of 239 metres on 125 gram weight at UKSF using Multiplier reel and has used the rod extensively for his fishing. One of the primary aspects he likes is the parabolic C curve the rod proscribes when fully compressed rather than the J curve of faster actions. This means that it is less critical on timing and release of the cast. Bite detection is superb and the rod tip is stable in stormy conditions.
The CME reduces tiredness and can be repetitively cast without strain and has received exemplary reviews by knowledgeable anglers and casters.
Blank Colour: AL2/Carbon
Butt: 78” (1.98m)
Factory Finish: Century SiC
Casting Ratio: 4-6oz 125-175gm
Butt Diameter: Tapered
Length: 13’10” (4.22m)
Tip: 90” (2.29m)
Japanese shrink rubber handle
Supplied complete with Century sliding reel seat with integrated Coaster and Century rod case